Sheriff Jeff Easter
Brandi has the leadership, experience, knowledge and work ethic needed to lead the Treasurer's office. Brandi is a person of high integrity and morals. I trust her to be the guardian of our tax dollars.
Tonya Buckingham, Register of Deeds
Brandi will make an outstanding Treasurer. I’ve worked with Brandi for several years and have seen her leadership skills in action. Her current role in Finance has enabled her to showcase her ability to work towards improving existing practices within the county. That’s why I am supporting Brandi Baily for Sedgwick County Treasurer.
Dave Unruh, retired Sedgwick County Commissioner
During my 16 years as a Sedgwick County Commissioner, I had many opportunities to work with and learn valuable information from Brandi Baily, who works for the Sedgwick County Department of Finance. I've witnessed Brandi's strong work ethic combined with her many valued improvements to the county's financial processes which makes me want to share my respect for her stepping up to run for Country Treasurer. One great example that I'm most impressed with was her ability to increase the county's investment earnings by over 150% in just one year.
Brandi has given the time and she has the experience as a proven leader and administrator. She is the right woman for the job!
Richard Powell, retired Sedgwick County Admin. Bureau Undersheriff
It is my sincere pleasure to offer this letter of endorsement as you move towards the primary election for the office Sedgwick County Treasurer. As you know, I retired as the Administration Bureau Undersheriff in late 2019 with almost 11 years of service in that position. My primary responsibility was the day to day management of the Sheriff’s Office budget which exceeded $50M annually.
For many years I dealt with numerous individuals within the county finance structure. I always found you to be a knowledgeable resource and strong team player within finance. Whether it be assisting with budgetary/financial matters, tax foreclosure sales or interaction with elected and appointed officials, I always knew you to be responsive, diligent and articulate in providing any information requested.
With your many years of experience within Sedgwick County government and the inherent knowledge you have acquired, I am sure you will serve the citizens of our county with the highest level of professionalism, transparency, and accountability as the Sedgwick County Treasurer.